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tv   Fox 5 Morning News at 425am  FOX  July 31, 2012 4:25am-5:00am EDT

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good morning to you. at i terrific tuesday, july 31st. day number two of of the week. last day of the month. getting ready to get things rolling on this tuesday morning. but first, let's talk about the olympics. checking out the olympics, baltimore's michael phelps could make history today. he has two shots at gold. he is looking for his 18th and 19th medals which would make him the most decorated olympian
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in the history of the olympics. meantime, disappointment for the u.s. machine's gymnastic team. they failed to win a medal in the team competition. they are hoping for their first gold medal since 1984 but he fill to fifth place. china ended up winning the gold. >> here is a look at the latest medal count. the u.s. and china are tied with 17 overall medals east. the united states has five gold medals to china's nine. japan is in third place. i'm sarah simmons i'm wisdom martin. let's get a quick check of the weather with tucker barnes. >> good morning. off to a fine start. temperatures overnight falling back into the upper 60s and low 70s. should be another day just like yesterday with partly sunny conditions. could be an afternoon storm out there as we get into the afternoon. lower eastern shore, most of us quiet with some clear skies but lower eastern shore, we are
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watching an area of low pressure roll up there. it is bringing some thunderstorms and showers. we'll have more details on this forecast in just a couple of minutes. we look fine for our tuesday afternoon. back to you guys at the desk. >> thank you, tucker. one big issue on capitol hill, a bill that would ban late term abortions in d.c. set for a vote in the house today think the bill is sponsored by republican arizona representative trebt franks t would ban abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. support say that is when a fetus can begin to feel pain. opponents including eleanor holmes norton say the bill is part of a campaign to overturn roe vs. wade. a possible link between the deadly jewelry store robbery in
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arlington and another robbery in d.c. getting to work in d.c. will be a the bit easier for thousands of commuters who take the 11th street bridge. this is a new ram that opened on monday. >> commute times could be cut by as much as 10 minutes. matt ackland has the story. >> reporter: these days, it is not oaive mayor gray gets behind the wheel of a car. >> do you remember how to drive? >> i don't drive that much anymore. >> reporter: he wanted to be first to personally drive across the new ramp that links 295 to the 11th street bridge. thousands of commuters should see instant relief. before the improvements, many would crowd neighborhood streets to access the bridge. >> i suspect there are lots of people who are very happy that we have reached this stage. as one who happens in live in
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one of those neighborhoods -- >> just one ramp opening opportunity today but it is just a few months before this project is complete. >> we're working to create a world class waterfront in the district. >> reporter: byron johnson says one day the riverfront will showcase new businesses, homes and entertainment. and residents clearly love the progress they see. >> a new day is here now. this is a new ward eight. we are moving. the mayor, from the first day he came into office until today, he told the residents of ward seven and eight, your day is here. >> reporter: traffic headaches should improve right away. the development is slow going but many agree this kind of progress is exactly what is needed to keep the ball rolling. in the district, matt ackland, fox 5 news. we still have plenty ahead.
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weather, traffic and all of your top stories. >> fox 5 morning news at 4:30 starts right now. good morning. it is 4:30 on this tuesday, july 31st, 2012. taking a live look at the u.s. capitol dome this morning. seems like groundhog day. aren't the temperature always in the 70s right now. it is summer in d.c. i'm sarah simmons. >> i'm wisdom martin t does seem like groundhog day. some days tucker will have the jacket on, some days he will have the jacket off. what does he have today. he has the jacket on today. >> so not too hot? >> not too hot. i had an in. i tried to grab my little clicker and instead i grabbed the mirror. >> that's not going to do much for you. >> we are in the 70s in town but what else is new?
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it's july after all. let's take a look. reagan national right now, 75 degrees is our current temperature. our humidity is up, 82%. nothing too extreme yesterday. and today, sort of a repeat from yesterday. it should be a nice day. winds out of the north and east at three miles per hour currently. let's see if we can take a look at the radar. all right. >> maybe the radar doesn't want to play. >> why do we have to do this every morning. the radar showing we are very quiet. nothing but clear skies to tart your day. temperatures yesterday only got into the mid- to upper 80s. today will be maybe a degree or two cooler than that. there we go. a for you late day showers. south and east of us, low are eastern shore, they have some shower activity along the beaches this morning that. will keep the cloudiness there. their forecast just a little different than the rest of us as the showers will hold tough there for the morning hours.
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a few showers or thunderstorms around late this afternoon. >> okay. glad that radar finally got going. >> had to warm up. >> let's see if traffic is warming up out there. let's check in with julie wright to get the latest on things. >> what are you saying, i'm not hot enough for you. thins have to heat up. >> no, you are. >> you're good, julie. >> you are what gives the traffic heat. >> all right. good morning to all of us. 395, lanes are open in the map lines and express lanes headed north up towards seminary road. overnight construction was at the dread and along nix and they are in the process of clearing that from your path. -- and along 66 and they are in the process of clearing that from your path. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. d.c. investigators are looking into four people shot
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at three different locations including one in which the victim died. all of them happened between 11:00 p.m. and mid night. the first reported at 11:17 in the 4800 block of alabama avenue southeast. a man and teenager were shot there. police say they will survive. then, at 11:30, a call came in for another tamper shot in the 2700 block of naylor road southeast. and closer to 11:45, police responded to a man shot in the 4700 block of brooks road northeast. he was later pronounced dead. our big story this morning, a bill that would ban late-term abortions here in the district. >> it is up for a vote in the house today. it is sponsored by trent franks. it would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. supporters say that is when a fetus can begin to feel pain.
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>> we ford more protection for farm animals under the humane slaughter act to keep them from having to go through unnecessary pain. >> these people are serious. they are trying to eliminate reproductive choice. don't come at us to make your ideological points wer not your pawns. >> groups on both sides of the debate will be scoring the bill and tracking lawmakers' votes. in other headlines, this may be a connection between two recent jewelry store robberies. one ended with the death of a store owner in arlington just this past friday. d.c. police had surveillance video from a robbery on june 9th. the family of tommy wong says if he had seen the images of a robber wearing the same reflective safety vest and hat, he would never have buzzed him into the store last week. mr.wrong died of a gunshot
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wound friday afternoon. the suspect in the deadly colorado movie theater shooting has been formally charged with 24 counts of murder and 116 counts of attempted murder. james holmes and just as dazed monday as he sat in court but at one point, he exchanged a few words with one of his attorneys. we have a report. >> reporter: more than 140 charges leveled against accused gunman james holmes. they include 24 counts of murder in the first degree, two for each victim. 12 counts ever first degree murder plus 12 counts of murder with indifference. >> he can be convicted of each variety of first degree murder. >> reporter: holmes also facing 116 counts of attempted first degree murder, those charges also doubled for the 58 people injured and wounded during the attack. holmes sitting silently again as he did in a hearing last
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week as lawyers argued his fate. a select number of journalists, survivors and victim's family members were allowed inside. >> it was very difficult to see this man and see his indifference. >> he didn't even talk. i wanted to know why he did it. >> reporter: due to the large introduction of victims and families who wanted to attend, the court decided to have an overflow room where they could watch the proceedings from a closed circuit television feed. a motion requesting the sun sealing of the court records in this case was set for time next week. a group of almost two dozen news organizations including fox news is asking the judge to unseal specific documents in the case. >> the news media has the highs and ears for the public and has asked the court to create transparency and allow the public to monitor the proceedings in the criminal justice system. >> reporter: the district attorney here says that she will not make the decision on the death penalty for a number of week and after she has discussed it with victims. h vi
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you think our power outages this upper were bad? imagine every person in the united states and canada in the dark. >> that is amazing. >> that is the equivalent of what is happening in one country. we'll get an update on that massive power out am and tell you what triggered it as we check more headlines coming up. 
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man: we need a good night's sleep. woman: which means a little heat to keep us warm. and a good dose of support for my back. some over-the-top comfort couldn't hurt. and our perfect dream factory's been built. you're feeling sleepy already? nighty-night. [giggling]
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a massive power outage making headlines this morning t happened in india affecting 360 million people. now, that is more than the population of the united states and canada combined. about a third of india lost power across seven states and the city of democrat lhi. trains, water treatment plants and hospitals were shut down. and we are just hearing that it happened again this morning. indian officials say the northern and eastern power grids in the country have collapsed just in the last hour. congress is moving closer to more sanctions on iran this morning. negotiations for the house and
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senate agreed last night on a bill to expand penalties for iran's push for nuclear weapons. the news sanctions would target energy, shipping and the insurance sector. the house could vote on them as early as tomorrow morning. now to the race for the white house. mitt romney is in poland wrapping up his trip abroad with a major speech in warsaw. yesterday, he met with the former polish president. the visit follows a trip to israel where romney ruffled some feathers there when he said their culture has helped them. president barack obama will appear at a loudoun county high school today. he arrived back at the white house late last night after a fundraiser at the nomad hotel in new york. he raked in about $2.5 million for the campaign. the president told donors that
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romney's camp is spending like nobody's business and democrats have to raise more money to fight back. today's visit is part of a two- day battleground state tour. he will also visit orlando, florida and akron, ohio. the democratic party has announced that former president bill clinton will give the official nomination speech at the democratic convention in september. they're aiming to fire up the party. the white house says monday that president clinton is known for being able to speak effectively about challenges and the vision for the country. he will take the stage on wednesday. a rather cool distinction for the d.c. region. coming up next, another reason to love where you live. we'll explain that. >> cool. plus, we're checking weather with tucker barnes who is also very cool and julie wright will talk about traffic. she is cool too. stay with us. we'll be right back. ight back.
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welcome back to fox 5 morning news. 4:44 and temperatures in the late 70s. >> the late 70s. >> i think that is what that says, somewhere in the late 70s. >> that's hot or warm but d.c.
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is cool. it is official. we live in one of the coolest places in the country. clearly, we are not talking about the weather situation. >> that's right. forbes magazine put both d.c. and bethesda in its list of the coolest cities of 2012. bethesda is number 17. wash is number two. >> what? >> isn't that amazing. >> this is a cool city. >> we like it here. it is high are than new york city which came in at number 10. >> not surprised by that. >> houston, texas is the coolest city in the country. here is how forbes defines cool, as having plenty of entertainment options, green am jobs. >> it didn't say good sports teams. >> d.c. and houston, they're about the same -- >> we're turning the corner.
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things are looking up. >> yeah, we are. >> not houston-like weather though here. >> not today. the summer certainly felt like it. yesterday, only in the 80s for i think the seventh or eighth time this month. >> we used think that felt warm and now wear like -- that is a cooldown. >> back in the old days, the upper 80s were uncomfortable. now, we look forward to it. reagan national, 89 degrees. we'll probably be a degree or two cooler as we'll have more in the waive cloudiness. bwi marshall, 87 degrees. nice cloud-watching weather too. temperatures right now in washington, 75 degrees. low 70s off to the north and west. these temperatures will likely fall back a little further so we'll wake up with temperatures in the upper 60s in many spots. 70 in manassas. 70 in gaithersburg.
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7 # in leonardtown. good morning, 76 in annapolis. -- 72 in leonardtown. we do have some humidity. it will be a warm and humid afternoon and we'll watch the clouds billow up just like yesterday. satellite-radar, couple of features. got an area of low pressure off to the south and east. that is responsible for shower activity across the lower eastern shore. i showed you that, a close-up not other long ago. this will scoot out to sea. this won't be impacting us directly. we have the possibility to see a pop-up shower or thunderstorm this afternoon. off to the north and west, that is a cold front. that will get in here during the day tomorrow t could kick off i afew more showers and thunderstorms and in the wake of the cold front during date on thursday and friday, our air will really dry out. we'll lose the humidity around here for the end of the week although temperatures will be a touch warmer. today, 86. partly sunny skies. we'll see some peeks of sunshine through the clouds. scattered afternoon showers and
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storms return. kind of a repeat from yesterday. partly cloudy with some early showers and storms possible. 72 and next couple of days, that cold front gets in here tomorrow. could kick off i afew showers or storms with highs in the upper 80s. behind the front, we actually warm up a little bit but we take the humidity out. so thursday and friday, nice pool weather with highs in the low 90s by friday. that is a look at weather. let's do some traffic and get the latest from the coolest traffic reporter in all the land, ms. julie wright. >> i heard pool, did i hear pool weather? >> pool and cool. >> there you go. on the roads, you will find your lanes are open with no problems reported. this happens to be eastbound 66 and westbound for that matter where they were busy doing some repaving. you will find the lanes are now open on 66 traveling between manassas and the capital beltway. overnight construction on the outer loop has cleared as well. no problems to report as you travel inbound along route 66 from 50 headed towards the capital beltway. southbound 270 still an easy
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drive for those traveling out of hyattstown this morning. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. -timetraffic. >> getting to work if d.c. will be a little easier for thousands of commuters who take the 11th street bridge. a new on-ramp that links 295 to the bridge is now open and when the entire project is finished later this year, commute times could be cut by as much as 10 minutes. then comes development. mayor vincent gray was the first to personally drive across the new ramp. >> the fact this there are lots of people who are very happy that we have reached this stage. as one who happens to live in one of those neighborhoods. >> a new day is here now. this is a new ward eight. we are moving. >> officials with the anacostia river initiative say one day the riverfront will be bustling with new businesses, homes and entertainment. they're certainly well on the way. >> got to be a lot of excitement any time you are talking about easing traffic in
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d.c. and new routes. people get excited about that. was president obama stalled by someone in his own administration in the days leading up to the raid on osama bin laden. we have details of those claims coming up next. loud demands on capitol hill in the name of saving thousands of jobs right here in our area. >> i call upon our leadership to cancel the august five-week recess and solve this problem. >> up next, warning about looming military cuts that could hit the region the hardest. stay with us. we'll be right back. release me, momigus!
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that's mom to you. and you should eat something that's good for you before you go outside. never! come on james. it's a new fiber one chewy bar. chocolatey and delicious. fiber one chewy bar, huh? mmm. refueled space captain james. [ male announcer ] new fiber one chewy bars. great taste kids love plus calcium and fiber kids need. there are new questions this morning about how long president obama waited before pulling the trigger on osama bin laden. you see a new book claims that the bin laden raid was repeatedly stalled and nearly derailed by top presidential advisor valerie jarrett.
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>> the author alleges jarrett's constant worries about the impact of the failed attempt began to fray the operation. the white house shot don the reports. there are dire warnings about looming military budget cuts. >> virginia, d.c. and maryland could suffer the most if lawmakers don't stop the cuts. fox 5's tom fitzgerald has the story. >> reporter: in a crystal city ballroom, defense contractors rally warning they are under the gun. >> we are worried about jobs. we are worried about our country. >> i personally worried about the whole industry. >> reporter: at issue are automatic spending cuts. that means the military is staring at a half trillion dollars of automatic cuts all because congress' supercommittee couldn't reach a deal to shrink the deficit. >> this can be avoided and we have to come together to stop
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it now. >> reporter: nationwide, 2.1 million jobs could be lost. virginia alone relies on 113,000 defense jobs, $8 billion in sales and $150 million in revenue. >> sending out notices under the warrant act and tell you whether or not you have a job. i don't want to see that happen to you in virginia. >> reporter: democrats blamed republicans for not letting them raise taxes to bring in more revenue while republicans blamed democrats for not cutting enough entitlements. >> i call upon our leadership to cancel the august five-week recess and solve this problem. >> reporter: an analyst at the heritage foundation says the real losers in this tug are war are the military and civilian defense workers. >> one way or another, everybody that is related to defense and the business of defense is going to be
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affected. >> reporter: unless congress acts in eight months, the half trillion in cuts will go into effect putting a very easy to understand result of a not so easy to save rule. the u.s. going for the gold in london. we'll get an update on the summer olympics coming up next. >> we'll check in on redskins camp. what are the early reviews on rg iii. we'll hear that next.
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baltimore's michael phelps could make history today. he has two shots at gold. he is looking for his 18th and 19th medals which would make him the most deck raid olympian in history.
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he already has the most gold medals ever with 14. american teammate matt griefers won with the backstroke. on the women's side, 17- year-old missy franklin earned her first olympic gold medal by winning the women's 100-meter backstroke. her time, 58.33 seconds. a big disappointment for the u.s. men's gymnastics team. they failed to win a medal in the team competition. they were hoping for their first gold medal since 19846789 they were leading after qualifying but fell to fisk place and china won the gold. a lot of disappointments in gymnastics it seems for us. here is a look at the latest medal count. the u.s. and china are tied with 17 overall medals. the united states has five gold medals to china's nine. japan is third with 11 overall medals. hopefully, there is no disappointment in football this season.
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the redskins continue training camp today with high hopes with their new hook offense. >> reviews were not good for quarterback robert griffin after the last week's first day of training camp but he has since improved his timing. he has him focusing on short and mid-range passes. he says he knows he needs to make improvements but he is not being too hard on himself. >> they want a training camp. everyone is amped up. a lot of jitters. you wont to come out and impress. i think we did some thinged good but also did some things bad. we hit everything that was closely contested and missed everything that was wide open. i think we made some strides since then. by no means are we satisfied but we definitely have gotten better since day one. >> of a been very impressed with the way he hanes


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